We are an equal opportunity employer and this statement details our policy of
equality and diversity in recruitment and employment and the manner in which this
policy will be implemented and monitored.
Statement of policy
We are committed to a policy of equality of opportunity in its recruitment and
employment practices. It is our policy to ensure that all employees are recruited,
trained and promoted on the basis of ability, the requirements of the job, and similar
objectives and relevant criteria. No applicant for employment or employee will be
treated less favourably than another on grounds of race, gender, marital status,
nationality ethnic or national origin, colour, creed, disabilities, age within the legal
limitations, or because they are lesbians or gay men.
Selection criteria and procedures will be kept under review to ensure that individuals
will be selected, promoted and treated on the basis of their abilities, merits and
according to the requirements of the job; they will be given equal opportunity to show
this ability and, where appropriate, special training to progress within the company.
We will not tolerate discriminatory language or behaviour towards our employees or
customers. Acts of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation are
disciplinary offences which we will deal with under our disciplinary procedure.
Race or Racial Origin – Shall mean discrimination on grounds of race, colour,
nationality, ethnic or national origins.
Persons with Disabilities – Shall mean discrimination against any person who has a
disability whether or not this impairs normal functions.
We recognises and welcomes the Equal Pay Act 1970, The Sex Discrimination Act
1975 (Amended 2003), The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2003, Human Rights
Act 1998, Employment Act 2002, Employment Equality Religion or Belief Regulations
2003, Employment Equality Age Regulations 2006, Equalities Act 2010.
Civil Partnership Act 2005. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the measures
for disabled persons and their attempts to provide equal opportunities for all. This
policy statement deals only with employment aspects of that legislation.
We will provide all necessary training to ensure that its Managers are familiar with
and understand the legislative provision of equal opportunities, and not only direct
discrimination, but also indirect discrimination is unlawful.
Both the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Commission for Racial Equality
have issued codes of Practice which contain practical guidance to assist in the
elimination of discrimination and the promotion of equal opportunity in employment.
Implications of legislation
In respect of race and gender there are laws which provide that an employer is
responsible for any act of discrimination by an employee in pursuit, of his/her
employment whether or not it was done with the employers’ knowledge or approval.
In such cases both the employer and employee are liable to the unlawful act.
However, it would be a defence for employer to prove that he/she took such steps as
were reasonably practical to prevent the employee from committing a discriminatory
act. Only the employee would then be considered liable for the unlawful act.
A failure on the part of the employees to observe any provisions of the codes of
practice shall not in itself render them liable to any proceedings but such failures will
be taken into account in Industrial Tribunal hearings.
It is the duty of all employees to accept this personal responsibility for the practical
application of the policy.
We expect all its employees to act at all times in accordance with this equality and
diversity policy. All employees are required to comply with and promote the policy
and to ensure that discrimination is eliminated in the working environment.
All personnel policies and procedures are kept under constant review to ensure that
they conform to the equality and diversity policies.
We recognise that training is an essential element in the implementation of its
Equality and Diversity Policy. Without the provision of adequate training it will be
difficult to ensure that the employees and particularly its managers are in a position
to understand and comply fully with the policy.
It is our policy for all employees to undertake induction training in which we make
them aware of their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act, detail
our emergency procedures, and correct use of PPE, safe systems of work for their
initial job, First Aid arrangements and the role of our supervisors. They are all
advised where copies of our Health and Safety Policy are kept and are given a small
precise sheet. They are also given a copy of our company rules.
Where employees’ jobs change, or new risks are encountered by the introduction of
new processes then these individual employees are given further guidance/training.
If employees wish to discuss any employment or employee relations problems arising
from alleged or suspected discrimination, they should contact the Managing Director.
The Equality and Diversity Policy Statement will be issued to all full-time and parttime employees.
General reminders about the equality and diversity Policy will be
issued regularly.
Policy on the Employment of People with Disabilities
To develop a working environment and to offer terms and conditions of service which
will enable people with disabilities who have skills and qualifications appropriate to
the activities performed in the companies’ service to seek and maintain the
employment with the company.
(i) To provide equal opportunities for people with disabilities in recruitment
promotion and training.
(ii) To ensure that all staff are aware of the company’s policy on the employment
of people with disabilities.
(iii) To ensure that where possible people with disabilities are provided with
equipment and facilities to enable them to carry out their duties.
(iv) To provide a safe working environment for employees with disabilities.
(v) To ensure that special needs for employers with disabilities, arising directly or
indirectly because of their work, are met.
(a) Every vacancy will be open to suitably qualified people with disabilities giving
regard to safety considerations.
Duties and working conditions
The duties and responsibilities of employees will be reviewed periodically in the light
of any changes in their condition.
Employees with disabilities will be given full and fair consideration for inclusion in
training programmes.
If an employee with disabilities is unable to continue carrying out existing duties
every effort will be made to find suitable alternative employment. With re-training
being provided if necessary.
Responsibility for implementation
The Managing Director will be responsible for the overall implementation, coordination and review of the policy.
The Director will continually review procedures and monitor their implementation to
ensure that they comply with the Equality and Diversity Policy.
We are an equal opportunity employer and this statement details our policy of equality and diversity in recruitment and employment and the manner in which this policy will be implemented and monitored. .