Carbon Reduction Plan

Our aim is to help our customers create better buildings while leaving a positive legacy on the world around them. Focusing on key environmental issues and collaborating with our peers to protect the natural environment is key to our commitment to deliver long-term positive outcomes through our activities.ented and monitored.

Carbon Reduction Plan

Our aim is to help our customers create better buildings while leaving a positive legacy on the world around them. Focusing on key environmental issues and collaborating with our peers to protect the natural environment is key to our commitment to deliver long-term positive outcomes through our activities. This will enable us to:

  • Achieve our stated targets and goals
  • Ensure we remain the service provider of choice as set out in our Guiding Framework our aim is to make our business more sustainable and we have committed to achieve the following.

We will become a Net Zero carbon business and lead the sector by example when it comes to decarbonisation. We will optimise the use of materials and avoid waste through resource efficiency. We will facilitate positive change for the natural environment.

Our 2027 targets are set out below:

  • Become carbon neutral for our Scope 1 & 2 emissions across the organisation
  • Achieve an aggregate Biodiversity Net Gain of 20% for business.

A science-based target follows a carbon reduction pathway that is in line with the scale of reductions required to keep global warming below 1.5°C from pre-industrial levels, helping prevent the worst impacts of climate change and future-proof business growth. We continually review our climate change risks and opportunities and disclose these in our annual report. We provide environmental training to our people and supply chain and encourage individuals to make environmental commitments on sites and in offices. All staff are set sustainability objectives in their PDR.

In adhering to this policy, we will:

  • Reduce the impact from the assets we build by continually improving environmental performance
  • Transition our infrastructure (offices, sites and compounds) and vehicles to renewable energy sources and away from fossil fuels.
  • Prevent pollution through environmental awareness training, controls, and our operating framework
  • Minimise our local impacts on air quality, noise and being a good neighbour during works delivery
  • Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in line with climate science
  • Build and retrofit assets to be energy efficient
  • Drive resource efficiency measures through the design and build phase to minimise waste
  • Identify and use materials that have a low environmental impact or are responsibly sourced
  • Protect natural habitats, eradicate invasive species and enhance biodiversity where practicable
  • Use water efficiently and only where necessary
  • Ensure continual improvement of our operating systems to assure our legal duties and meet our compliance obligations efficiently
  • Review and update our environmental management systems, objectives, and targets

This policy applies to all our employees and those working with us or on our behalf. Successful implementation requires everyone to cooperate, commit and assist us to ensure that environmental issues and risks are given adequate consideration.


TMN Contractors Ltd

Signed: Teo Nikolov

Director: Teo Nikolov

Review Date: 1st January 2024

Date of Next Review: 1st January 2025

Our aim is to help our customers create better buildings while leaving a positive legacy on the world around them. Focusing on key environmental issues and collaborating with our peers to protect the natural environment is key to our commitment to deliver long-term positive outcomes through our activities.


Then take a look at how we ensure Health and Safety is a top priority.